Alternative Dressing Up

Hello again

What we didn’t realise when we got to Lincoln for our event was that the city was also hosting Europe’s biggest Steampunk Festival so we had great fun looking at all the wonderful costumes.

We had planned to visit Lincoln Castle anyway before setting up our event and it was full of people in costume, events such as a fashion show and a market.

There were some fantastic costumes and weapons, managed to get a few pictures on Saturday before we got into kit.

Could only get a back shot of this Cleopatra inspired one – what a gorgeous costume.

Steampunk Festival

Steampunk 2

I loved this lady’s wings.

Steampunk 3

Some explorers and butterfly collectors.

Steampunk 4

Over the weekend we also went out in kit to help promote our event and we had lots of people stopping to take pictures of us.

Had to explain to them that we hadn’t got the time period wrong and I wasn’t supposed to be a Steampunk nun!

Really enjoyed it and as Ellie has always wanted to do Steampunk we girls have decided that we will go to event next year dressed up, just for the Friday and Saturday and then do a quick change into medieval mode for our event on the Sunday and the Monday.

Sounds like a great plan, I do love dressing up and am looking forward to making a costume.

Luckily my lovely son Jake has a top hat he doesn’t use any more ,bought for his prom, and the pattern I am using for the wedding jacket is a Steampunk one anyway so I am half way there!

Have a look at this Steampunk Pinterest page for inspiration. It means that I can also indulge myself in some more charms like these gorgeous keys and clocks. I have these beauties on my Etsy wish list at the moment.

key charms from Etsy

key charms 2

Right back to the day job then, see you all later and thanks for visiting.

Beautiful campsites

Hello everyone and hope that you are well, I have had a lovely weekend away at our last event of the season in South Wales, another beautiful place to camp and I will share some pictures of that event later in the week.

We are so very lucky as re-enactors to camp in amazing places and this was the view I had from my tent the weekend before last at Lincoln Cathedral.

Lincoln Bishops' Palace show

Lincoln 3

The cathedral looked amazing lit up at night and the sky was beautiful as well, all very atmospheric and makes you realise what a powerful impact these magnificent buildings would have had in medieval times.

Lincoln 5

Lincoln 2

Lincoln 6

Lincoln 7

Here are some more pictures that I took of the interior of the cathedral.

Lincoln 11

Lincoln 12

Lincoln 13

Lincoln 14

Lincoln 15

This is my favourite because of the light coming through the windows – just beautiful!

Lincoln 16

Bishops’ Palace where we held the event, would have been very impressive as well, now sadly ruined, partly as a result of damage during the Civil War.

There were several Great Halls for entertaining, one of which we used for our camp and the other for our tournament arena. This one below was once used to entertain King Henry 8th and Katherine Howard.

Lincoln 10

Lincoln 4

Lincoln 8

It is brilliant to be able to camp in these places and help bring them to life once more!

I am busy this week with preparation for the new term, not long to go now. This weekend is set aside for making the wedding jacket so wish me luck 😉

Have a good week ahead and thanks for visiting.