A tale of two airports …. and a staycation

Well if you were expecting to see photos of lovely Krakow I am afraid that I will have to disappoint you, at least for the moment, as sadly we didn’t get to go on holiday. It was a very simple but unrecoverable error as we went to the wrong airport and so missed our flight 😦 and were unable to rearrange things to go later.

90% of the time we fly from Manchester and this holiday was booked from Leeds Bradford and despite us both checking the times on the boarding passes about 8 times as we had made a mistake before and nearly missed a flight to Spain we did not notice and did not realise until we got to the wrong airport.

We were really upset, me more so than Mum who was very calm about it all, but nothing could be done in the end so we came back home from the airport a short while later. We did then have a lovely staycation, the weather was beautiful and we were out every day and as a bonus my wonderful daughter Ellie came over on her day off to take us out which was great for Mum as she wasn’t expecting to see her this trip.

So Krakow will have to wait until next year, meanwhile I can show you some more of the delights of the Peak District and Lancashire! We had two great trips out involving museums and textiles which I will post about separately but these are from our trips to the cute little village of Uppermill and the local canal walk.

Uppermill 1

Uppermill 2

We went over the border to one of the loveliest little villages in Lancashire full of cute houses and gift shops and walked along the canal to Greenfield then up to a beautiful reservoir that I haven’t visited for years, Dovestones. It was a gorgeous day as you can see by all the sunlight reflecting on the water and through the trees.

Dovestones 1

Dovestones 2

Dovestones 3

Dovestones 4

Dovestones 5

The following day we had a good three hour walk along the canal with the great excitement of watching a boat go through the locks.

This part of the canal is a dead end at my village and with 10 locks along a short stretch of water it doesn’t get much traffic so it was fascinating to watch this boat go through.

We are so lucky to live in such a lovely place and despite the disappointment we had a great week, and we did manage to get the right airport at the right time at the end of that week to get to Spain where I had a very relaxing two weeks in (mostly) glorious sunshine.

I will be back later in the week with some textile loveliness for you from our trips, in the meantime take care and thanks for visiting.

Favourite colours

Although I love purple I am also really fond of turquoise and pink, my craft room is in these colours and I love how they look together.I realised when I was sorting out photos for this post that both my recent makes are in the same colours.

I have been very productive on the doctorate front with about 10,000 words written this week and I am aiming for a few more before I leave for Poland on Monday. I will then have three weeks not thinking about it at all which will be brilliant. Much as I am enjoying doing it I am spending a lot of time staring at the screen and am really looking forward to reading books and going for walks when in Spain, and of course seeing Krakow which looks stunning!

I finished this little basket as a birthday present for a friend’s not so little girl last weekend, she is 11 this year and I was really pleased to be able to get some matching nail polish and toe separators as I know that she loves painting her nails.This is the smallest version of the Friends of the One Hour basket pattern and is available via a link from this blog for just £4. I have made this pattern so many times now it is so versatile and I love it.

I have also finished another outfit for Barbie, well nearly, the dress is still pinned together and needs the Velcro adding but that will be done before I take it to Spain as a gift for one of my cousin’s daughters.

Barbie coat and dress 4

I used the leftover shirt fabric as before with some other scraps and the coat pattern comes from my old pattern book that I mentioned in my original Barbie clothes post.

Barbie coat and dress 1

Barbie coat and dress 2

The coat is a little big but I think it looks very snug and the yarn is lovely and soft. I have a turquoise shrug to go with the outfit as well and another few dresses in progress to go with a pink version of the coat as well.

Barbie coat and dress 3

Although I haven’t started on the WW2 make do and mend outfit I have had a charity shop bargain haul and came home with a jacket, two shirts, some trousers and a hat all for £5 which I was very pleased with. I also bought a bag and a pair of sandals for Spain for £1 each. This is an RSPCA clearance shop where everything is £1 but I don’t often go there as it is out of town but was in the area and was really pleased to get all of that.

I will take some before pictures of the items and then I need to get cracking on that when I return, I am fast running out of days to do everything so if anyone finds a knitting pattern for an extra day a week please send me a link 🙂

I am off to Sarah’s now as she is having a wool de-stash, I am going to be good and not try and buy anything but am just going for a bit of a catch up, there may be wine involved!

I will be back in three weeks, take care, have fun and thanks for visiting.