Stops by the river

After leaving the park up near Guedelon I had quite a long drive to my next park up area, near Reims. At this point I was only a couple of days away from my shuttle booking, so had long driving days, with not much opportunity for sightseeing.

I had chosen a stopping point about halfway for lunch, almost at random, as there were some nice lakes and a river. I was planning to stop further on at a wildlife area but then spotted a wonderful medieval gateway, so parked up and had a wander.

I was in the small city of Villeneuve-sur-Yonne, a popular area for boating, and water activities, and with some of the most impressive city gates that I have seen. They date from the 13th century, although one was rebuilt in the 16th century, and are set each end of the main road through the city. The city had a long history of being a defensive position for the kings of France in the early medieval period.

It was a beautiful walk along the river Yonne, not only were the gates very impressive, but there was a fortified tower next to the river as well.

As always there were some lovely buildings, with fabulous doors.

I love the detail on this old door, where the plants have grown over it and fallen off, leaving just the residue of their seed heads.

This is what I most enjoy about travel, especially the trips that I have been doing in Europe, so many unexpected lovely things en route. It has been such an adventure, one that I will remember forever.

As usual I had a choice of park ups identified for the night, but chose to go to a paid aire at a small town called Chateau-Thierry, on the banks of the River Marne. You can see the location just at the top of the map below.

It was a beautiful little place, with showers and toilet, as well as a washing up area, for only 8 euros a night. I spent a very peaceful night there, after a walk along the river.

I do so love spending time in Katy, she is looking wonderful now, with her new crochet bunting and new tins. I need to take a photo of my latest tin, and the last one, as I am now completely out of space, but in the pictures above you can see the new one that my friend Linda, in Spain, gave me last year, just below the fabric bunting. She collects vintage tins but passed that one on to me as she thought it was perfect for Katy.

It was so lovely, just sitting in the sun, reading and knitting. I am really enjoying my time here in Spain, but am so excited to get back to travelling in a few weeks, I have so many wonderful places to explore this summer.

Life here has been nice and quiet, with lots of crafting time. I am knitting quite a lot for charity donations, mainly premature baby hats, and in preparation for our Christmas fair for the food bank charity here. I shall be back at the weekend, with the last of the posts from France, of the final days of the trip.

Until then have fun, take care, stay safe and thanks for visiting.

2 thoughts on “Stops by the river

  1. It was, such an unexpected place, mind you France was full of them. I saw so many wonderful places from the road, no time to stop at all of them sadly!

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